Friday, September 21

after the fog

i have probably said it before, i do love a foggy morning.

actually the fog was well and truly retreating back to the sea by the time we went to let the chickens out of their coop this morning but what remained was almost magical.

as the sun just started peaking over the back fence everything began to gleam and glisten. fine drops of moisture covering everything in sight. i was so grateful i hadn't finished cutting down the last of the dill plants yesterday as they looked lovely, sparkling away, almost as if they had ice covering their fine flowers and leaves. 

there was a quietness and stillness in the air that only fog can bring.

as we lingered, jess took the opportunity to walk along the top of the stone wall, one of her favourite things to do outside at the moment. up and back, up and back.

a beautiful way to start the day.


  1. Wow! What beautiful pics. One of my girls is currently sleeping in a pair of strawberry jammies exactly like the ones on your girl x

  2. they are her favourite pjs, so favourite that i think i may need to find a way to extend the arms and legs before next winter.

  3. Lovely pictures! I really enjoy foggy mornings too. Like fairies visited.
