Friday, February 24

from the library

library books

we have found quite a few favourites in this pile of books.

boom bah! by phil cummings is a stand out. fun text and lively illustrations. a perfect book for a little one.

jess loves all of lynley dodds books. we have most of the older ones from when the older girls were little but are always on the look out for newer publications by lynley dodd. they are a pleasure to read with their rhyming text and the characters of all the dogs are adorable. we may have to buy hairy maclary shoo and hairy maclary and zachery quack for our collection.

maudie and bear by jan ormerod and freya blackwood has been requested over and over. i love the illustrations in this gorgeous book. the four short stories are about a girl and the inexhaustible love the bear has for her. very sweet.

mr mc gee and mr mc gee and the blackberry jam also were requested many many times and it is easy to see why pamela allens books are so popular.

gracie the lighthouse cat by ruth brown and the big red hen by margaret wild and terry denton have been read... oh about 1000 times! both chickens and cats are the animals of choice around here at the moment for jess. 

quite a few others in the pile haven't been such hits and every now and again i borrow a book or two that gets put on top of a cupboard until it is returned to the library. mainly because once we have got them home and have read them, i have either deemed them inappropriate or just don't like to read them myself. i simply don't have time to read through them all at the library.

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